Eurolegend is born

GP2EMME Srl is born, the company that will deal with the new EuroLegend Cup 2023 competition.
GP2EMME Srl is founded and EuroLegend Cup is born: GP2EMME will manage the European Legend Cars race
In 2019 the first Legend Cars championship took place in Italy, organized by Castelletto Circuit Legend Cars: many drivers competed on the circuit, transferring fun and involving an increasingly interested public who ask to race.
Even in France, England, Spain and Greece, where the passion for these cars has grown, they have requested and expected the planning of an official and wide-ranging European event.
Given the insistence of the motorsport world and many enthusiasts, GP2EMME launches the EuroLegend Cup, flanking it, as per American tradition, to the NASCAR Whelen Euro Series circuit: this will allow many drivers to access real races, in important circuits, without excessively onerous costs. A popular but high- level competition, which could be a breeding ground for future EuroNASCAR drivers, as is already happening in the United States.
GP2EMME is a company of motorsport enthusiasts, a point of reference for these new races and as regards the organizational aspects: it will make use of the experience of Castelletto Circuit Legend Cars from a technical point of view and of the communication skills of Heroes Valley.
GP2EMME gives an appointment for the EUROLEGEND CUP, which will be a fully part of the NASCAR Whelen Euro Series weekend, proposing the same engaging show that has fascinated thousands of people for years and will add further adrenaline and speed to the motoring weekend, in total safety for the drivers thanks to the robust structure of the cars.
From today registrations are open for everyone, starting from 16 years, at an affordable cost, we are waiting for you on