After Most

Autodrom Most: sun and rain, the EuroLegend Cup doesn't stop!
EuroLegend Cup third date: a success of show, fun and public.
A gloomy start to Saturday at the Most circuit, the Legend Cars are ready for qualifying,
after Friday's free practice, in a slow but continuous flow of the public.
The track is wet but the rain is not so insistent: Claudio Cappelli takes pole, followed by
Luigi Vittorio Maselli and Rosario Messina. Alberto Naska closes the lineup. 12.30 The
Legend Cars are ready on the grid for the EuroLegend Cup round 7 under a hot sun:
“drivers start your engines!” Busy start, the positions change in a few time:
the Legend's show begins. Excellent beginning for Naska who arrives fifth;
Verdi placed himself behind Messina, followed by Giussani. At the head of the race
Cappelli doesn’t give way to the two pursuers Bollini and Messina, unfortunately Maselli
who started not very well slips into sixth position, giving way to Gaggianesi who starts
the battle with Rosario. The Casteggio native wins and takes the second position, also
taking with him Naska who becomes third. The attack was not long in coming and
Alberto became second and there was an immediate fight with Claudio, who
succumbed on the home stretch. Naska, Cappelli and Messina: but it is an continuously
evolving show. The first two positions are in close combat, the third is being undermined
by Giussani and Gaggianesi who are in turn in battle. The public applauds the constant
overtaking for the third position and the holding of the first’s by Naska on Cappelli's
attempts. The podium is decided at the last second, especially for the disputed third
step: Naska first, Cappelli and Giussani.

Rainy Sunday: 12.10 EuroLegend Cup Round 8 Starting in single file given the
weather conditions: Giussani immediately attacks Alberto outside but goes long.
Then Naska, Cappelli and also Messina drive past #99, followed by Gaggianesi fifth.
The Legend Cars in the rain are pure fun not only for drivers, who don’t spare themselves
in the show, but also for the public: overtaking, full 360 and skids catch the attention not
only of the audience present, but also of the online one.
Cappelli attacks Alberto and becomes first and the couple make a distance with the
follower: Messina, Gaggianesi and Giussani ,who give battle. Davide tries to overtake
Rosario, who holds the position. Simone and Davide do a spin, but without
consequences apart from the waste of precious time. During the last laps Maselli
overtakes Giussani; Gaggianesi in a tussle with Messina and the first two leading the race go long together in the grave!! The accumulated advantage allows Cappelli and Naska the return to the track and the podium: Cappelli, Naska and Gaggianesi

EuroLegend Cup round 09, the rain doesn’t leave the circuit of Most and the Legend
Cars close a weekend of pure passion for motorsport. Two laps before the start in single
rows: Cappelli, Naska, Maselli ahead. Alberto immediately followed Cappelli, but Maselli
managed to take the second position from behind. Gaggianesi takes advantage of the
moment and overtakes also Naska. Maselli loses no time and overtakes Cappelli, Alberto
makes a 360 and loses positions. Cappelli has a problem with the switch and is forced to abandon the race, what a pity! The rain didn’t give up and the situation is as follows Maselli, Gaggianesi and Messina up to the podium. The climate is pure fun and healthy competition, it is a pleasure to “breathe” and see: this is EuroLegend Cup !
See you at Oschersleben Motorsport Arena on 23 and 24 September!